5 Reasons To Hire A Private Fitness Studio

If you were offered the opportunity to hire a fitness studio privately each week, you might say, come off it; I’m not Bill Gates. Unless you are Bill Gates of course, in which case you’re probably thinking, ‘I actually am Bill Gates’ almost all of the time.
Private fitness studios rentals aren’t all as expensive as you might assume, as HotPatch can attest to, with its most inexpensive studio for hire in Liverpool at only £10 an hour.
Most personal trainers may never have considered this studio option; perhaps largely because of the cost assumptions that come with the term ‘private.’ You may not have even realised this was an option available to you in the first place.
So here are HotPatch’s top 5 reasons why hiring a private fitness studio could work for you and your client, over using a public gym.
#1 Peace & Quiet
Private studios are far more peaceful. If you’ve never trained in one, it might come as a genuine surprise to hear only your own, or your client’s movements as you exercise. No more rogue grunts or weird gym music playlists to contend with. This means you can communicate more clearly, and freely too. Feel like adding a bit of sound volume to your pep-talk? Go for it.
Training in silence can also be more focussed and meditative, which will likely lead to a more motivated session.
#2 No Waiting For Equipment
Imagine the feeling of entering the gym and thinking, ‘all we need today is the squat rack and I’m good’ and then being forced to wait impatiently for 30 minutes as a group of four twelve-year olds superset their iffy high-rep leg routine.
But in a private studio, the equipment is all yours. Your options are limitless. You can dive between squat rack, bench, dumbbells and not have to be concerned about any etiquette, or turn-waiting, or being forced to only use the one rear-delt machine no one is using for 60 minutes (you can always tell someone uses a busy public gym when their rear-delts are gigantic).
Rather than bouncing between the left and right side of the gym to alternative your exercises, a private studio has everything you need in one place for a concise and efficient workout.
Get your client to the equipment they need when they need it, and they’ll leave feeling more satisfied too.

#3 Workout With Just Your Team
Capturing that spirit of camaraderie can make training incredibly fun. And when you’re with just your own team, you can work at your own pace and really challenge one another in an open environment.
So don’t worry about losing that inherent sense of competition you get in a public gym as you randomly compete with the strangers and trainers next to you. When you’re in a private gym, it’s all about you and your trainee, and so staying engaged in the workout will be easy.
#4 Take The Ego Out Of It
As you may have found with home workouts, working out in a private space does help to take the ego element out of your lifts, which can so often be detrimental to your form.
So what if you’re lifting lighter, or moving slower? In a private gym, none of this matters. Film your lifts, check your form, and slow it down all you want. A private gym will help remind your client that a gym workout is about them and their own training, and not their progress in relation to anybody else.
Hopefully this will help grow their confidence, especially if they’re new and want to learn how to use the equipment properly, without feeling a little embarrassed or insecure. Often a big reason people delay going to the gym is due to the public ‘shame’ element, and so mentioning that you have a private studio option, may be a huge selling point to the potential clients you’re marketing to.

#5 You Can Do Those Really Weird Exercises You Weirdo
You know that video you saw of that guy holding a planche on a medicine ball? Well you can all fail that move as many times as you want in perfect privacy. You can messily shadow box, spider crawl up and down the gym and swing that kettlebell like you’re beating a rug, and the only person there to judge you is you. Practice, practice and practice until you’re finally ready to pop into a public gym and do that headstand on the mats you’ve always dreamed of doing.
Home workouts for those that committed to them over the last year or so, proved to have their upsides. A quieter space and a more self-focussed environment were all bonuses. Many of us realised how vital possessing the right kind of space is for exercising right.
Private studios can bridge the gap between the need for solitude, and the need for proper equipment, and all within a budget too.

Check out our stock of private exercise Patches, including yoga studios, dance studios and more!
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